Occasionally on social media, a Workamper will ask something like, “Why are there no jobs for solo Workampers?!” Based on the opportunities that we see coming in to our Hotline system and Jobs Magazine, we feel this is a misconception.
But, if a Workamper is solely using social media groups to find Workamping jobs, then he/she is limiting themselves greatly and missing out on a lot of the Workamping opportunities out there. One of the keys for finding the right opportunity is using the best resources!

For instance, in an issue of Workamper News jobs magazine, there were a total of 200 “help wanted” ads, representing several thousand job openings. Only 18% of those ads mentioned couples only. Another example, there were 64 ads on the Hotline Jobs website page one day. Only 28% of the ads mentioned couples only.
“I’ve been full-time Workamping for 7 years. I’ve always found work. You just have to keep looking.”
Workamper Kathy W.
The type of employers that typically advertise “couples only” are commercial campgrounds and RV parks. They prefer couples because they get two Workampers for one RV site. Parks that frequently fill to capacity (which is happening often now) are sacrificing revenue for every site occupied by Workampers.
“Just because they ask for couples, don’t be afraid to apply. After my travel companion passed away in 2011, I had no problems getting good positions. And being solo actually worked out well for me, as singles have more flexibility with work hours and days off. Send a cover letter with your resume, explaining how you can be an asset, and you may be in for some great surprises!”
Workamper Vicki R.
Another point to keep in mind is that singles often land jobs that were advertised for couples by being a little more creative and persistent. If you can do the work of two part-time workers, do not hesitate to contact the employer and sell yourself!
We also have employers that do all of their recruiting by searching our Awesome Applicants Resume Database – they never advertise. So the ads that you see are not a total representation of the opportunities available.
“You have to be willing to do the research and legwork, so to speak. There are lots of opportunities posted for couples or singles, but you have to find one that suits you, it wouldn’t just fall in your lap! Go for it!!”
Workamper Cheryl G.

We have known many wonderful solo Workampers and have featured them on our website, podcast, and in pages of our magazine. If you are a Diamond or Platinum member, review the Online Magazine archive. Not only is it a huge database of help wanted ads, but you’ll find many helpful and inspiring stories. Especially check out the Nov/Dec 2020 and March/April 2018 issue as employers that told us they hire solos have their ads colored blue.
“I’m a single worker and in 15 years never have trouble finding a job I’m interested in and in an area I’m interested in going. Often i look at old issues of workamper news and contact places who advertised long ago. You can also be proactive and contact places you might be interested in. For the last 6 summers I’ve worked a place with mainly solo workampers… The jobs are out there.”
Workamper Beth B.
Become a member of Workamper.com to access the easiest system for finding the right Workamping job for you. Try it out free for 30 days! www.workamper.com/trial