Fast, Reliable Internet is Easy with the Right Equipment and Data Plans

Whether they run a business from their RV, or just like to surf the Internet and watch cat videos, having a strong, stable internet connection is important for many Workampers. by Greg Gerber The good news is there are more options today than ever before. When I was full-time RVing from 2014 to 2017, people […]

Self-Awareness Keeps You Safe and Secure

Personal safety is not always convenient, nor is it fun to talk about it. But we need to think about and practice good safety habits by staying alert and being aware of our surroundings. by Greg Gerber Dennis and Tracie Utley started Workamping in 2019. Prior to that, Tracie’s career involved making personal protection presentations […]

A Matter of Faith: ‘Church’ Doesn’t Need to Stop When You Get in an RV

When people hit the road to live full-time in an RV, they often give up their homes and familiar surroundings in exchange for adventure. Another thing people give up is the supportive faith-based community of which they have been actively involved with for many years. by Greg Gerber For some folks, that leaves a big […]

Keeping Up With RV Lingo

Every industry has its own language, and the RV industry is no different. by Greg Gerber For a newcomer, and even some veterans, it can be daunting to understand all the nuances of the language used by professionals and those who just want to enjoy the RV lifestyle. To make it easier to understand what […]

Perpetual Power: Tips to Ensure Your Generator Runs When Needed

Generators are tremendously helpful devices for keeping RVs powered up in all kinds of situations, whether making a meal at a rest stop or controlling indoor temperatures when boondocking. by Greg Gerber But, because generators aren’t typically used every day, they are often taken for granted. Many RVers discover problems with their generators only when […]

Healthcare Options for Workampers

Whether retired, traveling solo or RVing with small children, the thought of not being able to get good healthcare on the road is one of the biggest deterrents holding people back from pursuing their travel dreams. Fortunately, there are more options today than ever before. So, don’t let fear of not being able to find […]

RV Driving School – Helpful Instruction and Potential Workamping Gig

Buying an RV is often infinitely easier to do than learning how to drive or tow one. For many people, driving a motorhome or towing a trailer is significantly more challenging than operating the largest SUV or minivan. by Greg Gerber Most people learn through trial and error. If they are lucky, they learn to […]

Special Delivery: How to Get Mail When You Live in an RV

Email really helped make the RV lifestyle easier for Workampers, no question about that. It is convenient to get statements and other notices delivered electronically. Yet, even in 2023, there are still enough things sent via snail mail that you’ll want them delivered to you wherever you may be traveling. by Greg Gerber Greeting cards […]

Selecting A Domicile Isn’t As Easy As It Sounds

One of the most important decisions Workampers need to make when starting a full-time RV lifestyle is deciding where to call “home.” By Greg Gerber Many RVers think their home needs to be the state from which they launched their adventure. But, that doesn’t have to be the case, according to two lawyers who are […]

Get Pumped Up About RV Tires

RV tires are equipment many people don’t think about until one of them goes flat or blows out along the highway. Yet, with proper care and attention to their age or condition, you can get a lot of mileage out of what is usually one of the biggest maintenance investments RVers need to make. by […]