Simple BBQ Conversion for RVers

A summer before we left on our trip I had purchased an inexpensive Master Chef Portable BBQ on sale 50% off. The intention was to bring this along on camping trips but we never used it, so it came along with the trailer. It is a cheap unit so I didn’t have high expectations but it’s […]

Happy Thanksgiving from Workamper News!

Whereever your Workamping adventures have carried you to for this beautiful Thanksgiving Day, let’s all take a moment to remember to give thanks for the opportunity and the ability for each of us to live this lifestyle. Many of us take this life for granted sometimes, which is easy to do when you’re out having […]

RV Travel Preparations:

Once again, we are in the process of packing up and setting off to our next destination.  I’d like to say that we are up and out of a place within 15 or 20 minutes, but that typically isn’t the case.  When it comes to packing up our 26 foot motorhome and leaving,  we have learned that this process can take a couple of hours, minimum.  If we are work camping at a location for a month or more,  we may spread out the tasks over a period of days.

Read more about RV Travel Preparations:

The REAL Truth about Full Time RVing with your Spouse

When my wife and I were first looking into full time RVing, we read lots of books and blogs about the subject. Every book or blog we read had the following one sentence for couples, “Make sure you love your traveling partner!” This was good advice, but it wasn’t specific. It didn’t help me much. […]

RV Life Two Weeks In

It’s been a little over two weeks since we started this fulltime RV adventure and actually a lot has happened.  Here it is in a quick run on sentence: Laundromats insane wind storms water heater discoveries leaking sinks our Big Move and learning to ride a bike.

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Trade ya for a Story…

I am not sure if it was who I grew up with or where I grew up but the barter system was alive and well during my formative years making a huge impact on me! I learn from my father if you could make a deal without using actual cash it was not only a ton more fun but you usual got a lot more out of the deal.

Read more about Trade ya for a Story…

Finding the Others –


  1. noun
    1. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. “a community of retired persons”
    2. a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. “the sense of community that organized religion can provide”

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3…2…1! Exercising on the Road

Workamping is truly a wonderful way to see the country and make new friends-for- life in the process. The spirit of adventure is always with us as we move from place to place with each passing season. I do, however, also enjoy the comfort of returning to a location where I like the people, the […]

Controlling the Humidity in your RV

Maintaining a safe, mold free environment in our 26 foot motorhome is a top priority, more so with the fact that Levi suffers from asthma, I am pretty much allergic to all life springs about, and, of course, we have our pets (3 cats and dog) to protect. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), […]

Who let the dogs do what?

Who let the dogs do WHAT?? Who? Who? Who?

We made it to Arizona last Monday.  It was a long, three-day event-filled trip from Idaho. I suppose we kind of like it that way; uneventful sounds rather boring these days. Smile. This is our first time pulling this rig on the highway, so we were curious how it would do.  We averaged 6.5 mpg. Wahoo? Read more about Who let the dogs do what?