Camp Hosting at Desert Rose RV Park in Fernley, Nevada

How did we learn about the position? We happened upon this position in a Workamper News Magazine.  Workamper News is a website devoted to helping full-time and seasonal RVers find employment in and around the country.  Not only do they announce “help wanted” ads on a daily basis, but they have a magazine that […]

Beet Harvest Adventure

As soon as we mention The Sugar Beet Harvest and that it would be our first job as fulltime RVers we were kindly given opinions and advice on what to expect from people who…in reality did not even know what a sugar beet even looked like…by the time we got to Sidney, Montana we were pretty nervous and excited really having no idea what we had signed up for. Surprisingly, it was absolutely nothing like what those people told us, so just so more rumors don’t spread I will clarify some of the information we were given: Read more about Beet Harvest Adventure

Don’t follow the dream! Create the dream for yourself!

You drag yourself out of bed and get ready for work, the kids are still in bed or you help them get ready for school. Your spouse has worked the opposite shift and is preparing for bed. You talk to them for a half hour or forty-five minutes during this tumultuous part of your day. […]

2400 sq ft to 379 sq ft: The Process!

YES! We did it! The house is empty, keys are turned over, and we’ve moved into the RV.  Doug will officially retire in two short weeks!

The journey from 2400 sq feet to 379 sq feet can be summed up as “stuff, stuff and MORE stuff.” Once you get the stuff, you have to store the stuff, then you must insure the stuff, maintain the stuff, repair the stuff, clean the stuff, move the stuff…whew!  Stuff = work. Read more about 2400 sq ft to 379 sq ft: The Process!

Dream Job = Great 1st Impression

When interviewing Workampers, Employers have noted that many Workampers seemed quite ‘stiff’ when called upon for an open position. Employers have encountered everything from awkward phone interviews to incomplete resumes and inappropriate pictures.  There seemed to just be no status quo on what was expected and what is considered acceptable. Don’t miss out on your […]

Cruising Through the Carolinas!

Although here in Westminster, South Carolina we dodged the weather bullet, throughout the “Upstate,” many areas experienced a turbulent evening filled with damaging wind, rain, and hail. After such  a raucous display of wild weather, this morning dawned remarkably, with a clear blue sky and crisp temperatures – a perfect day for a road trip! We […]

Catching Our Breath

Vicki Corona once wrote,

Remember that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!”

or at least that is the earliest use of that well used cliché I could find. Even overused as it is, the saying still rings true to the ears of many. My wife and I are one of the ones that take this well-worn group of words to heart. We decided to live by it the moment we sold a big house and moved into a tiny one on wheels. Read more about Catching Our Breath