Woman driving RV looking out window

Managing Your Manager

Some bosses are too nice. Is that possible? Yes, if co-workers are taking advantage of him or not doing their job and the boss won’t speak up. If one worker doesn’t do an assigned task or does a poor job, it can make your Workamping job harder. This article comes from an issue of Workamper […]

Workamping With an Ocean View

When it comes up in conversation that you’re heading to the coast of Oregon, you’ll be met with a slew of adjectives. “It’s the best/prettiest/nicest coast in the U.S.!” they’ll say. And after visiting it, you’ll likely find yourself thinking the same. This article comes from an issue of Workamper News magazine. COPYRIGHT by Workamper […]

Making the Most Out of Awesome Applicants

The Awesome Applicants Resume is one of the best tools to use to find a Workamping position. What do employers see when they search the database? This knowledge could help you better showcase your experience and abilities. The Awesome Applicants Resume Database is created and managed by Workamper News (Workamper.com). It is the original and […]

200th Issue Features Solos & USACE

The Nov/Dec 2020 issue of Workamper News Magazine Online Now! It’s our 200th issue!  And it’s a great one… TWO special features: 1. Solo Workamping: RVing is for everyone – families, couples, friends, and – of course – solos! In this issue, we are putting a special focus on solos as these adventurous folks can sometimes […]

Workamper News and US Army Corps of Engineers Partnership

Workamping with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

For over 20 years, Workamper News has been the trusted resource of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) projects to advertise for and recruit Workampers for their volunteer and paid gate attendant positions. You will find opportunities from USACE projects in our daily Hotline (email & website page) and in our bi-monthly jobs magazine […]

Cell phone in hand over laptop

Following Up: Being Persistent or Being a Pest

by Jaimie Hall-Bruzenak, retired Workamper Viewpoint Editor You’ve found several Workamping positions you’re interested in and sent in your application or resume. Now what? Should you wait for a call or call the employer? The most effective job-seekers use follow-up as a tool to get the job they want. They use several contacts over time […]

Workamping Opportunity with Adventureland Resort

This week’s blog is from a previous podcast The Workamper Show hosted by Greg Gerber last fall. Adventureland is one of our Featured Employers as well and you can find more about applying to Adventureland and other Featured Employers here. This podcast episode looks at one way Workampers can help people have fun and make […]

The Dreamcycle of a Workamper

This week’s blog is from the March/April issue of Workamper News magazine. This is a great issue because it focuses on resumes and has some great resume tips from an experienced Workamping couple. This article comes from an issue of Workamper News magazine. COPYRIGHT by Workamper News. IT IS A VIOLATION OF U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW […]

25 Years of RVing

Today’s blog post is taken from our podcast, The Workamper Show. New episodes weekly! Listen for free on our website or via your favorite podcast streaming app. We are going to talk with a couple who have been RVing for 25 years, and doing so full time for the past four years. by Greg Gerber […]

RVers on YouTube

I have subscribed to several YouTube channels over the years on RVing and this is the collection of my favorites. Some are for entertainment and some have great information on the RV lifestyle. Enjoy! Creativity RV is a channel by a solo RVer with tons of great information from remote work to simple RV hacks. […]