Don’t follow the dream! Create the dream for yourself!

You drag yourself out of bed and get ready for work, the kids are still in bed or you help them get ready for school. Your spouse has worked the opposite shift and is preparing for bed. You talk to them for a half hour or forty-five minutes during this tumultuous part of your day. You return home after a draining day at work where it felt nothing went right. By the time you get home the kids are preparing for bed and your spouse is getting ready for work. You spend that hour going over things the kids did at school, checking their homework, trying to spend a little time with the spouse you see in passing. On your day off (most of the time just one, I mean You have to pay the mortgage, electricity, gas, water\sewer, etc, etc) you go grocery shopping, run errands and may get the chance to play together as a family for four or five hours.


My name is Norman Charlie Brown. Ever since I brought my family here in States from the Philippines (at the time it was just my wife and daughter), we’ve never stopped working, hoping for a better life. The American dream, bigger home, bigger pay, but as you dream bigger the time for family get lesser. I worked dayshift and my wife worked nightshift. The stress of this life almost pulled apart the family for which we were doing it. Now with a wife, son and Daughter with whom to share time, led us to the conclusion…

We needed a change, a way to bring our family together in a way that didn’t conform to the “American Dream” mold.

Within a few months of making our decision to become a nomadic family we found ourselves selling our stuff, quitting our jobs and buying a 1987 Class C RV.

We leased our stick and bricks and hit the road with just a rough idea how we would make our way. Part of our preparation and research was watching (on Youtube) others that were living the lifestyle for which we were longing.

In the beginning there were a few bumps but after digging through heaps of misinformation and hearsay we found more of the reality of living as a FULLTIME RV FAMILY and we could do it. We did do it and are doing it still. We started a Youtube channel to show other families and individuals the realities of living a life on the road. We explained our budget, how we make money, how we save money and most importantly how we saver the time we have together.

We went from a life in which we spent (roughly) 800 hours a year, about one month, together. To a life where we spend about the same time away from each other and the other eleven months together. We are still able to save money and have everything we need and for the most part want.

We have upgraded our RV, purchased property and as I am writing this are spending four months traveling and visiting the Philippines.

I guess what I am trying to say is…

Don’t follow the dream! Create the dream for yourself!

Please stop by, see our family on our Youtube Channel “Modigazzi Travels” and ask us anything.

You will find out that we (Fulltimers) are a family.

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