These steps will be helpful whether you are looking for a full-time, part-time, volunteer or paid work camper position. Some steps are simple, and some a bit more in-depth, but here is a more streamlined strategy for finding the Workamping jobs (now or in the future) to match your needs.

This article gives you good start into the job-seeking process, but below, we’ve included our video that discusses these different steps more thoroughly.
- Do your homework. In order to find the best opportunity for your situation, read each and every Workamper News job listing as well as go through the robust educational resources (articles, videos, courses, podcast) we have at This will help you fully understand the amazing journey ahead of you and how to make the most of your Workamping lifestyle.
- Prioritize your wants and needs. Make a list of your preferences with regard to location, job duties, compensation, hours, start/end dates, etc. If you are part of a couple, team, family, etc – do this together so everyone’s ideas are considered.
- Narrow your choices. Select only the top few listings based on your preferences and follow the employer’s instructions for applying exactly as indicated in the ad.
- Cast a larger net. We strongly recommend that you use our Awesome Applicants Resume Builder* to construct your resume and make it available in our database, where it can be viewed by thousands of our employer members. You can also keep it on file for yourself and email it to whomever you wish.
- Research potential employers. Peruse Workamper feedback on specific employers in our Praise Your Employer* or Workamper Experiences* sections. Use the Member Map* to communicate with Workampers in that location. Read customer reviews posted online. If possible, try to visit the location and meet the owners/managers, and if you get a chance, talk with other employees and customers. A personal visit also allows you to check out the clientele and the climate.
- Cover all your bases. When you make contact with a potential employer, make sure you fully understand what will be expected of you (specific duties, hours, days off, wages, benefits, insurance, training, supervision, start/end dates, etc). Additional background information, references, etc. may be requested at this time and should be provided in a prompt, businesslike manner. Take this opportunity to ask any questions of the employer that have not been previously answered.
- Put it in writing. Before you accept a job, we strongly recommend that you ask the employer for the details of the opportunity in writing. We further advise that you have this “letter of understanding” or “work agreement” (view a sample) in hand before giving notice or making plans to travel a great distance to relocate. Good employers will gladly oblige as they want to avoid misunderstandings too.
- Do the math. When considering jobs that involve exchange of work hours for site, hookups, etc., we recommend you use the following formula to determine if the exchange meets your needs financially:
value of the site (monthly or seasonal rate) + hookups + perks + monthly wages or salary ÷ hours worked per month = equivalent hourly wage
The equivalent hourly wage at for-profit businesses should not be lower than the applicable minimum wage.
The competitive range for most jobs is between $7 and $17 an hour. Any job that requires special skills or experience—or involves even minimal supervisory or managerial responsibility—should pay toward the higher end of this range or above.
Workampers should never “pay” more for their sites than a long-term customer would be charged. In most cases, we currently recommend a maximum of 15 hours per week in trade for a full hookup (water, electricity, sewer) at a site owned by a for-profit organization. That’s a total of 15 hours per week per site, regardless of whether the couple is splitting the hours or one individual working all 15.
Obviously, some businesses feel they can justify more than 15 hours a week with additional perks, light duties, unique environment, etc. Ultimately, it is up to each Workamper to determine if an offer meets his/her personal criteria for a fair exchange. - Enjoy yourself. Remember, Workamping is about enjoying the RV lifestyle to its fullest. We recommend that you base your final decision on your answers to the following questions:
- Do I like the location?
- Do I like the duties?
- Am I satisfied with the compensation being offered?
- Do I like the employer?
- Am I physically and psychologically suited for this job?
- Keep your word. Do not accept a position unless you are committed to fulfilling all aspects of the agreement. When an agreement is reached, be sure to show up on the appointed day—the employer is counting on you.
- Do your best! The key factors in landing and keeping any job are preparation, attention to detail, flexibility, positive attitude, maturity, integrity and the ability to get along with customers and colleagues.
*Available to Workamper Diamond and Platinum members of Workamper News. Not yet a member? Join today! Need to upgrade/renew? Start here.
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