Many new Workampers feel inadequate when searching for their first Workamping gig. Do not feel discouraged! When the majority of Workampers entered the lifestyle, they didn’t have experience working the type of position they took first.

The majority of Workamping jobs can be considered entry-level positions and do not require a lot of specific or unique experience. If the position does entail duties that require certain skills, usually the employer will mention this in their help-wanted advertising.
You may not be under-qualified! Think about any previous work you’ve done or jobs you’ve had, things you participated in, groups you joined, hobbies you had, houses/property/RVs you’ve taken care of – it’s likely you have skills you gained from your life experience that would apply to a Workamping position you are applying for.
Did you maintain a house, take care of the yard, fix stuff that broke, etc? You have some maintenance skills.

Did you keep track of yours and your kids’ schedules successfully, organize your mail, track your finances, etc? You have some organizational skills.
Did you communicate with customers in your previous job(s) or participate in parent groups/church groups/volunteer groups? Then you probably have some people skills or customer service experience. Etc. Etc.
Just because you didn’t “get paid” for it, doesn’t mean you didn’t acquire some skills/experience that you have and could potentially use for future endeavors.

Most employers are willing to train, and understand you may be recently coming out of an industry that’s totally different from theirs. Often they are just looking for folks with a positive attitude, a willingness to learn and do the job to the best of his/her ability, and have some flexibility.
Make sure the employer takes the time with you to layout their expectations so you fully understand the job, duties, etc. and can then make the best determination on if it will be right for you.
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