This next issue, the September/October 2019 issue of Workamper News magazine, is gearing up to be our biggest issue yet. It’s going to be full of Workampers’ stories and ads from Employers all over the U.S. looking for Workampers.

Now is the time to join Workamper News! “But, I’m not retired yet,” – you may say. You have to be prepared. If you need extra cash to be on the road then you better start looking now. Most Employers like to hire at least 1-2 seasons out. We have some that are hiring for winter 2020 already!
You still have at least 2-3 years before you plan to hit the road? Workamper News will educate you on the RV lifestyle, not just how to find a job. We have 100s of articles, and a huge media library of videos, webinars, jobinars, etc. It takes time to prepare for a change like this – downsizing, purchasing the RV, putting your house up for sale, etc…there is so much to do!
Be prepared. When you hit the road, know where you’re going and how you are going to get there. Workamper News will help you all the way!

Thanks for reading the Gone Workamping blog from Workamper News. Join Workamper.com today to see all the new job opportunities for RVers, as well as the training and resources to confidently find the right Workamping job for you – easily and securely.