Looking To Hit The Road In 2019?
Check out the newest RV book for dreamers who want to know how to live the RV Life Living the RV Life: Your Ultimate Guide to Life On The Road!
Compiled by Marc & Julie Bennett, the creators of the popular lifestyle blog RVLOVE.

At just over 250 pages printed in full color, this 3-part guide to RV living does not disappoint! Well designed and well laid out on horizontal pages, which I thought was an interesting choice that captures the free spirit of RV life, this book is full of useful information for folks dreaming about starting a life of RV travel and those of us who just like to read up on the RV lifestyle!
Marc & Julie do a tremendous job of providing detailed insight into what RV life is all about and what you need to know to get started. With interests in RVing on the rise, Living the RV Life offers dreamers the encouragement and resources they need to get started now.
Covered in Living the RV Life
Over the spread of 9 in depth chapters, the Bennetts go into many details covering all aspects of RV life for those who are unfamiliar with basic topics you’ll need to consider before hitting the road!. The main chapters are broken down is easy to digest sub-headings that offer those who like to skim the content and head straight to our favorite topics, the opportunity to do so!
- Life on the Road
- Research, Prep & Planning
- Choosing the Right RV
- The Emotional Side of RV Life
- Keeping in Touch with Community
- Being Your Best You
- Earning Income on the Road
- Legal Issues & Decisions
- Trip Planning

Where Can you Get It?
Living the RV Life: Your Ultimate Guide to Life On The Road is available on Amazon.com in both the printed and digital format, but it’s also available at a variety of book stores as well. Check your local bookstore shelves for a copy or grab it on Amazon and start reading it today!
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