The Workamping community is a great one. RVers in general are often always willing to help others.
We regularly share tips and pose questions in our Workamping Today Facebook Group and the Workamper News Facebook Page. Recently, we asked experienced Workampers to share one piece of advice to those who are dreaming of the Workamping lifestyle. And here are some of the helpful replies…

Fulfill your commitments! (And there’s a difference in being taken advantage of and just not liking the job.) Ask the right questions during the interview, understand exactly what is expected of you before you accept the job. When you just up and leave bc “it’s not a good fit for you”, you are making it harder for the rest of your team. AND when you do this, good luck at finding another job in the future. Workampers like to review their employers, but employees don’t realize how much campground owners and managers talk. You will ruin your reputation.
I’ve seen several workampers live by “my house is on wheels so I’ll go when I want”… but that attitude makes the rest of us look bad. – Kassandra C.
Do your homework. – Sue T.
Do it as early in life as you can. Make a plan. Be debt free when you start. Buy used and get RV inspected before you buy. – Kelly B.
Stay out of the drama. – Carol P.
Make sure you try a maiden voyage first. It’s not the life for everyone. – Diana F.
Always have a plan B, C, and D with the ability to pivot immediately. – Lisa M.
You won’t like all of the jobs you take and you may not like the people you work for, but remember they are temp jobs and just hang in there. You will make lots of fellow workamper friends and will bump into them at other jobs, which is so much fun! – Debby B.
Make sure you understand ALL of the duties being required. Ask a lot of questions up front. Pick a direction and go for it! – Bobby T.

Don’t wait:
Till you’re retired
Till you have enough money
Till your house sells
Till all your bills are paid
Just go and figure it out on the road! – Susan A.
Do your research!! Read reviews. See what there is to do in the area. Try to see what other work campers say about the job. Have fun. – Haunted Trio
If a couple, verify the hours worked, generally 20 to 25 per week can be done together. Some parks want you to work different areas and may have separate days and times. May seem silly to ask trust me, ask! – Mike M.
This is a VERY lucrative industry with quick promotion to management! – Jen M.
Don’t believe the fantasy. Remember that it’s called WORKcamping. There is WORK involved. – Steven C.
Don’t do it for the money, do it for the destination/location. – Doug L.
Make sure you do financial planning before jumping into it. Many work campers are on social security or have additional retirement income to live off of. If you’re without any other source of income make sure you know how much you’ll need to make monthly to survive…and to have an emergency fund (just in case that dream job doesn’t work out)…trust us, sometimes they don’t work out and then you find yourself in between jobs. Lastly, do the math on job offers. Personally, for us…we only look at jobs that pay all-hours with a site included or a modest monthly fee. Best of luck! – Garth M.
Contract, Contract, contract…Also, do your research and make sure what you’re getting into. Know going in if you can do a straight site for time worked trade or if you need to have some pay along with the site. And research where you will be working, find every review you can regarding the campground, the management and the area. – Steve F.

Take time off. Leave the Campground when you’re not working! – Michael C.
Be flexible, especially when 1st starting out. Take what you can get and do a great job. Ask for a recommendation letter. If you get a job in a state or national park, ask for a referral to other jobs… they will be happy to help you if you’ve done a great job. Get everything in writing. I prefer State, National and ACE Parks. Everything is laid out for you. Private parks… I’ve tried 2 and both changed everything after I got there… I moved on after a week or 2 when that happened. Never stay where you will not be happy. You won’t do a good job… and that’s a detriment to you and future positions. Take time off in-between jobs.Have fun! Always. – SiSi L.
Ask how many work campers they tend to have per season. Also ask how often do they have turnover. Also ask if it is common for you to be hired to do one thing yet be expected to do every thing. I completely understand being flexible being a team player doing everything you can to help the campground run, having great customer service. But when it gets to the point that you cannot even walk outside your camper without people asking you questions whether you’re in uniform or not And you get asked to work… just be careful – Shae F.
Once you make the decision to workamp be flexible and open. We love our bosses but our attitude is that when we are “on the clock” we are hired workers. After tidying up the newly vacated sites they may have us paint, mow, clean cabins or bathrooms. Some people think they should just ride around on a golf cart. You can get specifics on a phone interview or email. We absolutely love workamping. – Rex L.
Keep money in the bank and gas in the tank in case things don’t work out, but also keep an open mind. You may have to clean toilets, but you get to live in paradise. – Amy P.
Remember your home has wheels. Don’t sweat the small stuff. – Linda K.

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