Workampers can now search through the largest quantity of help wanted ads with more options than ever before!
The Hotline Jobs page at displays new Workamper job listings submitted in the last 14 days. Not only do we (Workamper News) have the most Workamper job listings anywhere, but now our members will experience even more consistency in the listings and numerous options for narrowing down to the opportunities that are a better match!

We are requiring Employers to answer some specific questions when submitting their help wanted ad. Because of that, when you use our new search fields, all of the ads have the potential to match your criteria (instead of just the ads where the Employers happened to mention those items in their ad text).
New Search Options:
- Select one (OR MORE!) states
- Solos considered
- RV site available
- Other housing available
- All hours paid
- No monetary compensation (for those seeking a site-trade only)
- Job start date (pick which month(s) you’re seeking to start a job)
- Jobs that start immediately
Features that we’ve always offered that are staying:
- links to employer reviews
- keyword search
- sort by state
- easy-to-find contact info
- no filler/junk banners ever!
You can choose to organize your search results by state or by the date the ad was posted.
These new information fields are displayed with each Hotline ad posted to our website, and they are also displayed with the ad in our daily Hotline Jobs email (and Job Alert emails too!).
The Hotline Jobs website page is available to Diamond and Platinum members of The daily Hotline Jobs email is available to any level member of (including free intro members, though the ads are 14 days old).
If you’re not yet a Workamper member, you can try out our most popular membership here. If you just need to renew or upgrade, please start here.
Note – there are even more Workamper job listings in the issues of our bi-monthly magazine! Some Employers advertise in the magazine, some advertise via the Hotline, and some just search our resume database to find their Workampers. Be sure to utilize every avenue to ensure you are connecting with the most opportunities!