Sure, everyone likes “free” things, but “free” usually comes with a tradeoff…
Thanks to the Internet, there are many ways to go about finding and researching Workamping jobs, but as the popularity of Workamping expands, so too does the amount of effort one must put forth to review it all.
Dozens of Facebook groups geared towards Workamping, camp hosting, Work Camping, etc. have been created by RVers out there seeking to be helpful and/or make money via traffic to their own website and affiliate sales.
But, utilizing these groups to go about your search for that perfect Workamping opportunity may only leave you frustrated, and here’s why:

1 – You Don’t Control What You See
The Facebook algorithm controls the ordering and presentation of posts, so users see what is most relevant to them. Rather than publish content chronologically, posts and ads are presented based on what Facebook sees as relevant to you, the user.
Facebook will not serve up the “help wanted ad” posts made by Employers in a nice, easy-to-find-and-read way for you. These posts will be mixed in with all other types of posts made by the members of that group – including repeated posts on what kind of surge protector they should be using and why there aren’t more jobs for solos/families/tenters/vandwellers.
And, back to that pesky algorithm, if you do spend all of your social media perusal time in Workamping-related Facebook groups, then eventually your news feed will no longer be full of pictures of your grandkids or your former neighbors’ entertaining musings on life…as random posts about RVing & Workamping will fill it up instead.
2 – They’re Not Serving You, You’re Serving Them
Facebook is “free” to the front-end user because they need you. They are collecting your data and then using that data to make money. They develop their product to make it as addicting as possible so you stay on it and keep scrolling…and scrolling…and scrolling. Where did the last hour go…?
They don’t care who you are, what your wants/needs are, nor will they be there if you have questions or need support. Their product/service was not designed with your benefit in mind.
3 – Time Consuming and Cumbersome

Which Employers are using which groups to share their Workamping jobs or to connect with Workampers? You can’t tell! Guess you’ll just have to join the dozens and dozens of Workamper/RVer groups to be safe and check them all on a regular basis. Sound fun?
Facebook also won’t send you an email or notification when a new ‘help wanted ad’ post is made in a group. When you’re in job-search mode, you’ll have to go into each group regularly and either scroll…and scroll…and scroll…or, attempt a search.
Searching a group can be about as fruitful as searching for a needle in a haystack. All you have is a generic keyword search option. Looking for a summer position in Montana? You may end up with a few posts that are help wanted ads posted by an Employer, but you’ll mostly be wading through posts made by people named Montana or Summer, posts of people seeking a job in Montana, posts of people who own a Montana fifth wheel, posts asking for things to see/do in Montana, people sharing pictures of their summer trip…and on, and on.
The generic keyword search also searches in COMMENTS made to a post. Thus, often, when looking at the posts in your search results…it’s confusing as to why you are even seeing that post.
4 – Spammers and Internet Pirates Will Be Lurking
On any website or platform where content can be posted for free and without review, you will find spammers or those seeking to pirate your information/identity.
While most help wanted ad posts in Facebook groups are likely legit, you’ll want to make sure you double check that you are communicating with a real representative of a real company before providing any of your personal information. Also consider only participating in groups where all posts submitted by members have to be approved by a group admin.
Likewise, be cautious about making “work wanted” posts. Don’t give out your contact information, current location, etc. You never know where your information may end up if you post it to the open Internet.
5 – Inconsistency and Too Much or Too Little Info
Some employer help wanted ad posts on Facebook will be great and will include the name of the business, details on the job, and contact information for that Employer – everything you need to get started!
But…this successful posting is rare. Often, an Employer won’t include where the job is, or who the company is, or how to contact them and apply. Sometimes a help wanted posting is made by someone other than the Employer themselves. This all makes for a lot of leg-work for you to determine if the post is legitimate and something you might be interested in.
Facebook is an open-forum. Usually commenting is left open on posts. Any member of that group can put in their 2 cents on a post. The member may not even be a Workamper, may have never worked for that Employer, don’t know how to do the math on a compensation package, and may not have ever been in our country before.
It’s human nature to read the comments on a posting, to see what others think. But these comments could end up swaying you from an opportunity that might have been a great fit for you. You know what’s right for you. Reviews on Workamper Employers are a good thing to have, but they need to be from Workampers who actually worked there.
Well, if you’ve gotten this far, you’re probably thinking…”alright, so how am I supposed to go about this Workamper job search then?“
Workamper News has you covered.
1 – Our membership service is 100% about Workamping and the RV lifestyle.
When you’re maneuvering through the pages of or reading one of our emails – that content has been curated to help you live this lifestyle as successfully as possible. If you want to see a list of help wanted ads, it’s just one or two clicks.
We created the term “Workamping” and started this industry over 34 years ago now.
2 – We Serve Both Workampers and Employers
Workampers invest in membership. Employers invest in membership and advertising. We serve both sides of the Workamping equation, and we wouldn’t still be here after 34 years without you!
We do not track our members. We do not harvest data. We do not sell or share any of our members’ info or activities. We do not fill our website with MLM pitches nor commercial advertising nor tracker/spam banners.
We are a small business based in Arkansas – a team of 6. No board of directors or shareholders or others we are beholden to other than our members. We are now on version 3 of and are in production on version 4. The tools and services we offer are constantly being reviewed and reworked when the budget allows to better serve our members.
If you have a question about Workamping or our membership resources, contact us! Send us an email at [email protected] or call us at (800) 446-5627. Try and contact support at Facebook about how to get easier access to job listings and let us know how that goes…
3 – The Most Job Listings – Organized & Customized
Workamper News has the most RVer job listings you’ll find anywhere. Our Hotline Jobs website page lets you organize the ads by state or by date, and also search by keyword. And, the ads are always fresh – they only stay posted on the site for two weeks at a time.
In our bi-monthly Workamper News magazine, the help wanted ads are already organized by state and each issue is posted on the website in the online magazine archive – the largest archive of Workamping jobs anywhere!
Each weekday, we send out the Hotline Jobs Email. This email contains the full text of help wanted ads submitted for that day. Right to our members’ inboxes.
Seeking a job in a particular state? Members can turn on Job Alert emails. When a new Hotline ad is posted for the state or state(s) the member selects, the full ad text will immediately be emailed to the member.
And, we’ve barely scratched the surface of the tools and benefits of membership! If you are ready to get started with the #1 resource for Workamping Jobs, Workampers can sign up for a free 30 day trial here.
4 – You Don’t Have to Think Twice About Safety
Employers pay a fee to run help wanted advertising and gain access to our online Workamper resume database. It is highly unlikely that a spammer/pirate would pay to join our website just to acquire user data or attempt to lure in victims.
And, guess what… Our team reads and manually processes every ad that comes in to us! Because we administrate every ad, the few times a bad actor submitted an ad pretending to be a legitimate employer, they were shut down immediately and never reached any of our members.
We never send out Workampers’ resume info to a random email list of strangers. Resumes and Situations Wanted Ads are not available to the open Internet. You can be sure that only real employers with active memberships will be seeing your personal information listed on your resume.
We are the most reputable source for Workamping. Employers prefer to use our services because our Workamper members invest in a membership and therefore give the impression that they are taking this more seriously.
5 – Job Listing Consistency
Since we check every job listing that comes in, you can be assured that it will always include contact information and a state location. Those are the minimum requirements we put on Employers submitting an ad (more criteria to come in the future).
Ads are submitted by our Employer members. We aren’t harvesting job listings from other websites or copying them from other job listing service feeds. Our Workamping job listings are 100% legit and are posted by real Employers that want to hire you.
Our Workamper Experiences member tool has been compiling reviews on individual Workamper Employers since 2007. All posts made here are reviewed by our staff before being approved. Posts will only be approved if the Workamper completed their position with the Employer so they are able to report on the entirety of the experience.
Members can click a link from an ad on our site or in our daily email to read reviews on that Employer. Help wanted ads in our magazine will have an icon to indicate that Employer has postings in Workamper Experiences.
And, that’s not all. We have a multitude of other tools and features built into the membership at to allow you to connect and learn from others. Better information leads to better decision making and better Workamping experiences!

So, if you are serious about finding a Workamping job that’s right for you…stop wasting your time trying to locate the needle in the Facebook haystack.
Workamper News offers a free, 30-day trial of our Diamond level membership ($47 per year after the trial) so you can check it all out first.
Get started today at
Let us help you to work smarter, not harder.