This is a frequent question we get from our members and rightly so. It’s scary not knowing how to get coverage or what will be covered or if you can afford it. Workamper News has done a lot of research on this topic and continues to do so.
There are some Workamper jobs that include insurance, but not many. The health insurance arena in the U.S. today is ever-changing, and here are a few resources to assist you.
Some Workampers who are not self-insured, on Medicare, or still covered by a former employer, will seek out some sort of group coverage through membership in an organization. Group coverage is usually, but not always, cheaper than an individual policy. Also, even if you find an affordable plan, there is the problem that your rates can go up at any time. This makes it extremely difficult for a prospective Workamper to plan a budget.
Here is a list of resources that we have on our website. You can also find them in the FAQ section of Workamper News.

They offer the following types of health plans with nationwide coverage:
- Individual and Family Plans
- Business Owner Plans
- Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage Plans (NO Networks!)
- NEW Medical Cost Sharing plan
- Telemedicine
You can check them out on their website and fill out a form for a quote.
Currently available for Texas, Florida, Arizona. For domicile assistance click here.
Keep in mind, you can get a quote first and change your domicile if you’re happy with the quote.
Once you fill out their form online, a certified healthcare specialist will reach out to you in a short time.
They are licensed insurance professionals that specialize in assisting full-time and part-time RVers with researching, choosing, and enrolling in the right insurance for RVers. Whether it’s health insurance or insurance for the RV.
This company was a resource we found in our Facebook groups. The phone number we have is 844-229-4337.
Medi-Share is a healthcare sharing ministry where members share each other’s medical bills and pray for each other’s medical challenges.
This company looks around for health coverage that best fits your needs.
RV Health is not health insurance but it does offer medical support to RVers. “We provide network access to health care solutions through the best in telemedicine and other mobile health benefits to fit the RV lifestyle. It’s not your typical telehealth program either, this program can actually serve as your Primary Care Physician with additional access to specialists. Just think of the possibilities… Whether you’re a full-timer, weekender, or retired veteran, RV Health has a place in everyone’s health benefit package, regardless of insurance coverage.”
We hope these resources help you in the search for health insurance. If you find another resource, be sure to share it with us and send it in an email to [email protected]
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