You’ve heard the saying…there’s more than one way to skin a cat. If you haven’t, it means there’s more than one way to get something done!
One of the most common questions we get here at Workamper News is “How do I start downsizing?” It’s a deep subject with a lot of baggage for sure! I have researched the internet and came up with several articles and a couple of videos that give some great tips on downsizing. Some are similar, some are not. Hopefully, if you are in the beginning stages of going full-time, these articles will help you get started.
Full-Time RVing: How to Downsize Your Home to an RV

Stephanie, her hubby, and their two cats enjoy living and traveling full-time in their RV, often camping off-grid to stretch their budget.
You can read her article here –
9 Downsizing Tips For Full Time RVers

Shelley is a travel photographer and writer who loves to visit all of the nooks and crannies of America, taking along her trusty sidekick, Sully, the Golden Retriever.
You can read her article here –
How to Downsize and Simplify for Full-time RV Life
The idea of Full-time Families was born back in 2010 when founder Kimberly Travaglino saw a need for community among the growing population of RVing families. The organization started with just a few families but has since to include thousands of member families, all seeking friendship and support as they stray from the beaten path and create unique and remarkable lives for themselves.
You can read their article here –
What to Do With Sentimental Belongings When Downsizing
Are you considering (or in the process of) selling everything to travel, live full time in an RV, or move into a smaller home?
Read their article here –
Downsizing Mistakes
After making expensive mistakes when downsizing from a house to an RV, the RV Odd Couple shares the embarrassing mistakes that they made when preparing for Full time RV Living. They share about how they organized their possessions to RV full-time and share what they learned the hard way. This video describes the steps that they took to downsize and transition to the RV lifestyle.
10 Tips for Downsizing
Drivin’ and Vibin’
This video interviews several different RVers in different phases of life. Some have downsized from a big house where they have collected things for several years to young couples that haven’t quite accumulated stuff yet!
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